Summarily - A Podcast for Busy Lawyers
You're a busy lawyer. Whether trying to hit your billables, being stuck on endless conference calls, or waiting in a crowded courtroom for your case to be called, you don’t have time to stay informed about legal developments important to your practice. Summarily is the podcast for you. Summarily offer caselaw updates, CLEs (Florida), practice tips, and insightful legal commentary.
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DISCLAIMER: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not an advertisement for legal services. The information provided in this podcast is not intended to be legal advice. You should not rely on what you hear on this podcast as legal advice. If you have a legal issue, please contact a lawyer. The views and opinion expressed by the hosts and guests are solely those of the individuals and do not represent the views or opinions of the firms or organizations with which they are affiliated or the views or opinions of this podcast’s advertisers. This podcast is available for private, non-commercial use only. Any editing, reproduction, or redistribution of this podcast for commercial use or monetary gain without the expressed, written consent of the podcast’s creator is prohibited.
Summarily - A Podcast for Busy Lawyers
Florida "Tort Reform" Explained
Last Friday, Governor Ron DeSantis signed HB 837, transforming insurance and negligence law in Florida. Michal Meiler, a partner at Ver Ploeg & Marino, joined Robert to break down the major changes and explain how the new laws will likely make it harder for policy holders and victims to seek legal redress.
Read the text of the law here. Read the Governor's announcement here.
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Disclaimer: This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not an advertisement for legal services. The information provided on this podcast is not intended to be legal advice. You should not rely on what you hear on this podcast as legal advice. If you have a legal issue, please contact a lawyer. The views and opinion expressed by the hosts and guests are solely those of the individuals and do not represent the views or opinions of the firms or organizations with which they are affiliated or the views or opinions of this podcast’s advertisers. This podcast is available for private, non-commercial use only. Any editing, reproduction, or redistribution of this podcast for commercial use or monetary gain without the expressed, written consent of the podcast’s creator is prohibited.