Summarily - A Podcast for Busy Lawyers
You're a busy lawyer. Whether trying to hit your billables, being stuck on endless conference calls, or waiting in a crowded courtroom for your case to be called, you don’t have time to stay informed about legal developments important to your practice. Summarily is the podcast for you. Summarily offer caselaw updates, CLEs (Florida), practice tips, and insightful legal commentary.
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Summarily - A Podcast for Busy Lawyers
Caselaw Update and Lindsey's Big News
Robert and Lindsey recap opinions from the DCAs, the Florida Supreme Court, and the 11th Circuit.
- In re: Amends. to Fla. R. Civ. P 1.110.
- In re: Amends. to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.200, 1.201, 1.280, 1.440, & 1.460.
- In re: Amends to Fla. R. Civ. P. 1.510 and New Rule 1.202.
- In re: Amends. to Fla. R. App. P. 9.130.
- BAM Trading Servs., Inc. v. Florida Off. of Fin. Regul., 1st DCA (intra-district conflict); see also A Not-So-Little Problem with Precedent: Intra-District Conflict in Florida District Courts of Appeal, Robert Scavone Jr., et al.
- Ripple v. CBS Corp., FSC (surviving spouse under Florida’s wrongful death act).
- Harrell v. Friend, 1st DCA (modification of timesharing based on substantial change in circumstances).
- Askew v. Fla. Dep’t Child. & Fams., FSC (misapplication jurisdiction).
- Fluhart v. Rasmussen, 5th DCA (preservation; failure to move to vacate magistrate's order).
- Pradaxay v. Kendrick, 6th DCA (med mal presuit; expert's specialty).
- Lange v. Houston Cnty. Ga., 11th Cir. (liability under Title VII for denying gender-affirming care).
- State v. Times, 1st DCA (4th Amendment; knock-and-announce).
- State v. Creller, FSC (Fourth Amendment; traffic stops).
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Send your questions, comments, and feedback to summarilypod@gmail.com.